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1.0      In view of the implementation of the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) 2010, we are taking the initiative to assure that your personal information to us are duly protected. Your privacy is important to us. Please read this Privacy Statement carefully as it forms part of the terms and conditions that enable us to carry out our work as legal practitioners or to deliver the necessary notices and services in connection with our services. These are relevant in connection with our service to process, execute, deliver of notice, sending of email, messaging through social media and other service that will be promoted in future.


1.1      While PDPA provides that the personal data can only be processed by the data user for lawful purpose upon your consent given. Please note that your rights under PDPA are qualified by six (6) exceptions where such processing is necessary for:-


            (a) the performance of a contract to which you are a party;

            (b) taking of steps, at your request, with a view of entering into a contract;

            (c) compliance with any legal obligation to which you is the subject, other than a contractual obligation;

            (d) protecting the vital interests;

            (e) the administration of justice;and

            (f) the exercise of any functions conferred on any person under the law


1.2       By your conduct of request for our service and/or continuing to use any service provided by us, you are consenting to your personal information being processed by us including your consent for us to conduct credibility check upon you.


1.3      We will retain any or all the foregoing information provided by you as long as we deem reasonably required.


1.4       In this Privacy Statement:


            “Our”, “Us” and “We”, refers to legal firm known as WILLIAM FLORENCE & PARTNERS.


            “this website” mean any other sites including:-






           “personal information” means any information in our possession or control regardless it is related directly or indirectly to you (or any other individual or other legal entity).


            “processing” in relation to personal data, means collecting, recording, holding or storing the personal data or carrying out any operation or set of operations on the personal data including adaptation or alteration of personal data, disclosure of personal data by transmission, transfer, dissemination or otherwise making available or the alignment, combination, correction, erasure or destruction of personal data.


            “service” any service and/ or exchange of service upon the request given by the clients.


1.5       Requesting for and continuing the service indicates your consent to your personal information being:


            (a)       processed by us for the purposes set out in this Privacy Statement; and

            (b)       disclosed by us to those classes of 3rd parties identified in this          Privacy Statement


1.6       We may make modifications to this Privacy Statement from time to time. In the event of such revision and/or modification, we will communicate such revision and/or modification at this website. By continuing request for any service from us after the communication of such revision and/or modification, you are accepting and consenting to such revision and/or modification. Please contact us in the event you do not agree to such revision and/or modification and depending on the nature of such revision and/ or modification, it may impact our ability to provide the relevant service to you.

2.        Types of mandatory Personal Information    


2.1       Each time before you required our service and we will request the personal information marked as mandatory that you must provide and agree to the processing of this personal information by us. If you do not agree to provide this personal information to us nor agree to us processing it in the manner set out in this Privacy Statement, then we will be unable to provide the relevant service to you.


2.2       Personal information marked as mandatory (“Mandatory Information”) includes:



            -Date of Birth


            -Nationality and Race

            -Address (private and/or business; current and/or previous address, installation address)

            -Contact Numbers (private and/or business, mobile, fixed line, fax)

            -Email address (private and/or business)

           -Identification supporting documents (including NRIC, passport, certificate of incorporation etc.)


2.3       We collect the personal information directly from you including but not limited to instance when such personal information via any application and/or other related forms or agreements, or when submitting your personal details through any suppliers, employees, agents, contractors, employers, directors, business partner, agencies, agents, trainers, merchants and members by disclosing those personal information directly or indirectly to us.


2.4       We also collect your personal information from other sources such as :


            (a)       credit reference agencies

            (b)       government authorities; and

            (c)        Publicly available sources of information


2.5       We collect personal information directly as provided by you and in one instances you may need to provide to us personal information about someone other than yourself (for example your employers, director, Partners, employees, agents, suppliers or contractors if you are acquiring and are responsible for a service that they will use ). If so, we rely on you to inform these individuals that you are providing their personal information to us, to make sure they consent to you giving us their information to us and to advise them about where they can find a copy of this Privacy Statement (on our website at


2.6       You are responsible for providing accurate and complete information to us about yourself and any other person whose personal information you provide us and for updating this personal information as and when it becomes incorrect or out of date by contacting us. It is a condition of us in providing the service to you that you promise to do this.


3.0       Non –Personal identification information


3.1       We may collect non-personal identification information about users whenever they interact with our Site. Non-personal identification information may include the browser name, the type of computer and technical information about Users means of connection to our Site, such as the operating system and the Internet Service providers utilized and other similar information.


3.2       We may track your visits to this website by placing a “cookie” on your computer’s hard drive or mobile phone when you enter. Cookies are pieces of information that websites transfer to the hard driver of your computer or mobile phone for record-keeping purposes. The use of cookies is now an industry standard , and you will find them used on most major web sites and in fact, most browsers are initially set up to accept cookies.


3.3       Your IP address and information about your visit (such as time, date, duration etc) will be automatically picked up by our systems. The online channels may contain links to 3rd party sites and we will always try to make it clear when you leave our sites as we shall not responsible for


            a)         such 3rd party sites; and

            b)        information which you made available at such 3rd party sites.


As such, it would be prudent for you to check on the privacy policy of such 3rd party before disclosing your personal information to such third parties and/or sites.


4.0       The purposes for collecting personal information


4.1       The purposes for which we processes your personal information are as follows:


            (a)       to verify your identity;

            (b)       to detect and prevent fraudulent activity;

            (c)        to process your order for the service upon you request;

            (d)       to provide your order which you have requested;

            (e)       to administer and manage the goods and service that we provide you         (including charging, billing, facilitating payments and collecting debts);

            (f)        to investigate and resolve any goods supplied and service issues, billing    queries, complaints or other enquiries that you submit to us;

            (g)       to contact you should we need to regarding the service and goods that       you have acquired;

            (h)       to assist us monitoring and improving our service provided to clients and make these more efficient;

            (i)         to maintain and develop our business systems and upgrading the quality of goods and service provided to our customer; and

            (j)         to send you seasonal greetings cards, emails or messages


5.0       To whom your personal information is disclosed   


5.1       Sometimes we need to disclose your personal information to 3rd parties outside Dominant. The following are the classes of 3rd parties to whom we may disclose your personal information:-


            (a)       data processing services;

            (b)       installations services;

            (c)        maintenance and repair services;

            (d)       information technology services

            (e)       billing and debt recovery functions


            Whenever we provide any personal information to these classes of 3rd parties we take reasonable steps to ensure that these organizations are contractually bound not to use your personal information for any reason other than to provide the service they are contracted by us to provide and do adequately safeguard your personal information.


5.2       Other than the aforesaid situation, we may disclose your personal information under the following situations:-


            (a)       to regulatory bodies, governmental bodies or other authorities if required or authorized to do so to discharge any regulatory function, under any law or in relation to any order or judgment of a court;

            (b)       to regulatory bodies, governmental bodies or other authorities for the          purpose of detection or prevention of crime, illegal/unlawful activities or fraud or for the apprehension or prosecution of offenders, or for an            investigation relating to any of these; 

            (c)        to any party involved in or related to a legal proceeding (or prospective       legal proceeding), for purposes of the legal proceedings;

            (d)       to payment channels including without limitation, financial institutions for purposes of maintaining financial records, assessing or verifying credit and facilitating payments of any amount due to us in connection with the service you have acquired from us;    

            (e)       to other professional advisors on a need to know basis for the           purpose of those advisors providing advice to us;

            (h)       otherwise as permitted under Malaysian law, including without limitation, the Personal Data Protection Act 2010;


6.0       Transfer of your personal information outside Malaysia


            It may be necessary for us to transfer your personal information to any government agency, individual or legal entity which is located outside Malaysia to maintain a common base and when any of them shall form of the service rendered to you. You hereby grant us consent to transfer your personal information outside Malaysia in these instances. we will take reasonable steps by providing adequate safeguard to your personal information.


7.0       Linked Sites and 3rd Parties


            Please be aware that when you use this website, it may contain links to 3rd party sites. We will always try to make it clear when you are leaving this website. We shall not be responsible for such 3rd party sites and any personal information made available by you on such sites will not have the benefit of this Privacy Statement and will be subject to the relevant 3rd party’s privacy policy.


8.0       Your acceptance of these terms


            By continue and/or using any service provided by us is the conduct signifies your acceptance of this policy and agrees this Privacy Statement forms an integral part of terms and conditions for any service provided by us.


9.0       Privacy Statement in English Version will prevail


We make it clear that the privacy statement in English version will prevail should there is any dispute or issue pertaining to the interpretation of this privacy statement.

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